Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

Reading Review

I have really enjoyed reading all of the different stories. Also, I like how we have been assigned two different modules every two weeks because it has forced me to read stories from different cultures. The differences in the writing from one area to another are interesting and keep the reading exciting. Whenever I write my diary, I make sure to choose a story that I would like to do my storytelling assignment over. My thinking is if I would not write about it in my reading diary, then why would I tell a story about it?

Although I have liked all of the units I have read, a few come to mind when thinking about my favorites. My favorites so far have been Homer's Iliad, Ovid's Metamorphoses III, and Arabian Nights. I think the reason I have enjoyed these the most is because I was already familiar with their stories and could relate them to movies I had seen. These movies are Troy, Hercules, and Aladdin.

(Achilles and Hector, by Rubens)
The folktales have been very interesting as well. My favorite part about them is that they most often have a lesson to be learned from each story. I have found that a lot of these stories involve murder, especially for the animal tales.

Before this class, it had been a long time since I read for pleasure. I have wanted to start reading, but just couldn't get myself to start. This class has forced me to read and I am really glad it did. Even though the readings are for assignments, I would consider the reading for pleasure because I enjoy them so much.


  1. Hey, Michael! I understand what you mean – being assigned to read different units for this class has been great because it has forced us to read things different than we probably otherwise would have. I also enjoyed the Arabian Nights unit quite a bit and would not have thought to read that unit on my own. Anyways, good luck with the rest of your semester!

  2. I also understand what you're saying about getting to read so many stories from around the world. I have been exposed to many different cultures and styles of writing in this class that I probably wouldn't have read on my own. I'm not much of a reader really. Although all of these readings have been assigned, I really have enjoyed most of them too. Personally, I like the folktales for the morals and lessons learned in them. You are right though...a lot of them end up with something or someone being murdered. I tend to prefer the happier ending stories myself. I didn't read of the stories that you mentioned, but I am quite familiar with those stories because of being exposed to them before. I can also relate them to the movies you mentioned. Just like you, I need to be able to connect to the story somehow, so that I can retell it in my own way. If I can't relate to it or don't like the reading, I find it very difficult to motivate myself to retell it in a different way. I end up with writer's block. Lol
    Have a good rest of the semester and happy reading!
