My name is Michael Yacovoni and I am a senior Industrial Engineering student. I am from Highland Village, Texas and went to Flower Mound Marcus High School. My father was in the Army for twenty-one years, so we had to move a lot throughout my childhood. I have lived in New Jersey, California, Kansas, Maryland, Texas, and now Oklahoma. Fortunately, most of the moving was done when I was young. I have two older sisters and both graduated from the University of Oklahoma. My father is from Scranton, PA, which is also known for being the location of The Office television show, and my mother is from Massachusetts.
I love playing, watching, and talking sports. I am a big fan of all Oklahoma Sooners sports teams, Dallas Mavericks, and the New York Yankees. Spending time with my family is very important to me, as well as hanging out with my friends. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies and TV shows. Netflix has definitely increased the number of shows and movies that I watch. Some of my favorite shows include The Office, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Archer, Workaholics, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Arrested Development. I am a huge dog lover and my parents have two dogs, CJ (girl) and Jesse (boy). We adopted them and decided to keep the names they had. We were only going to get one of them, but we found out that CJ is the mother of Jesse. CJ is a Red Heeler and Jesse is a Blue Heeler/Red Heeler mix. I also enjoy traveling and hope to do a lot of traveling throughout the rest of my life. Outside of the United States, I have been to Mexico, France, and Belgium.
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(The Office) |
I think I have covered all the big parts about myself, but please feel free to ask any questions you might have! I am excited for this class, to graduate this May, and to start my career.
Michael, it was very nice to read your introduction. It is very interesting that you have lived in so many places. I bet it was hard moving schools and always meeting new people. However, I bet you are very well cultured since you have been on the west and east coast and even overseas traveling. I share your interest in dogs! My mom also has adopted a dog and kept the name that she had. I hope you share more about your dogs in the future or incorporate them into a story for storytelling.
ReplyDeleteHey Michael! Growing up my father has told me many stories about moving around because his dad was in the Air Force. Through his stories I feel like I've lived all over the world, but you really have lived all over. I'm sure there were ups and downs. I'm also "excited for this class, to graduate this May, and to start my career." Do you have a job yet? Or are you still searching? Well, it is very nice to meet you Michael.
ReplyDeleteI am also a Netflix-aholic, Michael: it's kind of hard to imagine life before there was streaming Netflix, ha ha. TV shows seem so different now when you can sit and watch for a couple hours, like a movie, but also not like a movie. My husband and I both completely binge-watched House of Cards the first time and again for the second series, and I know we will again when the third series comes out which is in February I guess, or sometime this semester anyway. Plus, it's an excuse to watch the first two series again! I'm guessing there will be a big House of Cards contingent in the class... so there will probably be some House-of-Cards-inspired stories in people's blogs when the series starts up again! Last year, there was a student who did all her blog storytelling posts set at Downton Abbey... maybe this will be the semester of for House-of-Cards stories. I can imagine all kinds of ways Frank Underwood could make good use of Aesop's fables, ha ha. :-)
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, Michael! It sounds like you've led a very adventurous life thus far. I'm very envious that you've had the opportunity to live in California and Maryland. I've never been any further east than Tennessee, so I've always wondered what the east coast is like. I am also a huge fan of Netflix! Parks and Rec is probably my favorite out of the shows you listed. I'm going to recommend Orange is the New Black (if it hasn't been recommended to you already), but you might want to wait until you have a break from school to watch it because it is SO good! I hope you have fun in this class and put out plenty of great stories!
ReplyDeleteHey Michael. Looks like we have a lot of the same interests except for the New York Yankees. I enjoy all of those shows you listed. Workaholics and Parks & Rec are so funny. You definitely have lived in a lot of places around the United States. I am a huge dog lover also. Unfortunately, I don't have a dog here at OU, but my parents have a spaniel back home. Good luck after graduation.
ReplyDeleteHey, Michael! Congrats on being just about done with school and venturing into the “real world” – that’s so exciting! I can relate to your past – I’ve moved about 7 times but the moving was done throughout my life instead of just when I was younger. You’ve definitely lived in some neat states! I haven’t seen most of the TV shows you mentioned but have heard they’re great so I’m thinking that this summer will be my time to watch every show that I can. I wish you the best and hope you enjoy your work and can travel as much as you want to!
ReplyDeleteHi Michael,
ReplyDeleteMy father was also in the Military for 20 years! We didn't move around as much as you though. Most of his moving around was done before I was born. But I was born in North Carolina and then moved to Oklahoma in the late 90's. I am also a Netflix addict. Whenever I have the time I am watching either something on Netflix or Hulu. Breaking Bad was a really great show, and it really sucks that it's over. I will have to take a look at the other shows, because I have been trying to find new shows to watch after finishing up the last seasons of different shows.
Hi Michael! I'm from Flower Mound, Texas and went to school at Flower Mound (not-Marcus) High School! There are so many people from our area who go to OU, but I still think it's cool whenever I meet someone from there. That's awesome that your dad is from Scranton! The Office is one of my absolute favorite shows. I also love Parks and Rec. I hope you have a great last semester at OU. Good luck after graduation!
ReplyDeleteHey Michael. Moving so much must have let you experience lots of different ways of life. I have always lived in the same town here in Oklahoma. Netflix has definitely expanded my TV show watching. I didn't watch many TV shows before streaming became a thing. My family also adopted two dogs. One we got from the local dog pound, Boomer, and the other just showed up on our doorstep one day, Lil Bit. She was named that because that's how long she was supposed to be there. Good luck with the rest of senior year.
ReplyDeleteHey! It’s interesting that you’ve lived so many places! I’ve lived in Oklahoma my whole life, so I have no idea what that would be like, but hopefully I will soon! We have so many of the same TV shows in common. Netflix has seriously fed my binge-watching of tv shows and made it easier to find new ones I like!
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I saw that picture of The Office I knew I was going to enjoy reading your introduction. The Office is without a doubt my favorite TV show. You should try Psych as well, and maybe The League if you're into fantasy football at all! Netflix has definitely contributed to my binge watching struggles, and I often find myself having The Office going on in the background while I do homework for really no reason at all.
ReplyDeleteI think it is really cool you have gotten to live in so many different places. It seems like you have gotten to see a lot of different parts of the United States and you are still very young. It also seems like you have a good taste in TV shows because I share a lot of the same favorites as you do. Good luck to you in the rest of the semester.
That is so exciting that you are so close to graduating. I am graduating in December and it still feels so far away. It would be nice to be done and be able to start a career. I also love watching the office. I started watching the entire series on netflix the last season it was on television. I completely watched the entire thing in just a couple of weeks. I loved it. Well good luck with your last semester!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congrats on being so close to graduating! I was supposed to graduate this May, but have had to pull back from my studies a bit this semester. I will still graduate...just not when I had hoped to. It is what it is. I also love to travel. I have been to many states in the US (my family went on lots of family trips when I was younger) and I have been out of the country a few times...mostly to the Caribbean. My favorite form of travel is cruises!!!! Have you ever been on one? Cruises are amazing! We don't have netflix at my home, but we do have a Roku box which gives us tons of choices of shows, etc. I really don't get to watch too much TV though with all the responsibilities I have taking care of such a large family. I have 4 children currently and will be adding another child in August. My dad was in the Army for a short time (before I was born) and my brother retired from the Army after 20+ years of service. It's a very demanding lifestyle. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Anyway, take care and enjoy the rest of your time here at OU!!! Go Sooners!
ReplyDeleteHi Michael, thanks for telling us about yourself. Moving around so much must have quite the experience. I lived in the same town my whole life until college, so I couldn't imagine what it'd be like living in so many places. I graduate this May as well! I hope you enjoy the last few weeks of school!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, Michael! That's cool that The Office is one of your favorite shows and that your dad is from there. It's definitely one of my favorite shows, I think I've seen all of them twice now! Props to you for taking on a major as demanding (I think it is, at least) as industrial engineering. Really any engineering is a challenge!
ReplyDeleteHey Michael! I am form Dallas, Texas so every time I go home to visit from school I pass through Flower Mound. You have an awesome taste in shows! My brother and I used to watch workaholics religiously. Adam cracks me up because he says the weirdest things that absolutely make no sense. I am also a huge animal lover and have two cats and four dogs back in Dallas.
ReplyDeleteHey Michael! It sounds like you've probably had quite an interesting time moving around when you were younger. I'm sure you've gotten to experience so many different types of places and people! Although I'm not from the Dallas area, I am from south Texas, so I am very familiar with the region. I think your idea to include to the picture from The Office was hilarious! That's so cool that your dad is from there!
ReplyDeleteHappy almost graduation! Like you, I am graduating in May as well and I am super excited. We have a lot in common when it comes to tv shows. The Office might just be the best show ever made with Breaking Bad being a close second. How ironic that your father is from Scranton and you love The Office so much. It seems fitting.
ReplyDeleteHey Michael! Congratulations of your upcoming graduation! I'm graduating this semester too, and am so excited. It is such a weird feeling though, don't you think? I am also from the Dallas area, I graduated from Allen High School though. I have a few friends who graduated from Flower Mound Marcus though! You basically watch all of the same tv shows that I do, haha. I LOVE Workaholics, The Office, and Archer, could honestly watch them all day if I had the time, haha.
ReplyDeleteHope ya have a great rest of the semester, and good luck!
Well, I got put in your group for another week, so even though I've already commented on this intro before, I'll leave another comment anyways! Kind of coincidentally, one thing I commented on specifically last time was The Office, and as I'm typing this comment out I have The Office going in the background! Never get tired of it.
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, Michael. It's cool that you've traveled outside of the country so much! I'm pretty jealous. That being said, I don't know if I'd like the moving around when I was little. Other than that, I think pretty much everyone love The Office, and I feel like I'm pretty much the only person that hasn't actually watched any of it!
ReplyDeleteHi Micael. Thanks for the cool introduction! I love watching these television shows as well. I was a big fan of the Office back in the day. I thought it was so sad with Steve left. House of Cards is also one of my favorites. You have some interesting stories I'm sure with everywhere you have lived!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, Michael! You really did move around a lot! I stressed myself out in elementary school when my parents decided to move down the street to a new neighborhood, so I don't think I would have actually handled that many moves as well as you. You named off some really good shows! I'm finishing up 30 Rock right now and will probably restart Parks and Rec after, along with Workaholics. Good luck with finals!